The MISSER Team of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Diponegoro University (Undip) won a Gold Medal, as well as being the only team to receive a Special Award from the GCC Patent Office Saudi Arabia for Best Invention at the 2022 World Young Inventors Exhibition (WYIE) which was held in Malaysia on May 25-27, 2022.

2022 WYIE was attended by 120 teams from 16 countries and is one of three exhibitions held at the 2022 International Invention, Innovation, and Technology Exhibition (ITEX). Apart from 2022 WYIE itself, there are other exhibitions at 2022 ITEX, including Asia Young Inventors Exhibition (AYIE) and Malaysia Young Inventors Exhibition (MYIE).

Located at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, MISSER Team FK Undip introduced their innovative work entitled “MISSER (Myiasis Spray Gel Bamboo Shoot): an Alternative Biolarvicide Fly Larvae (Chrysomya Bezziana) Infectios Myiasis by Using Shoots Bamboo Apus (G. Apus)”. MISSER (Myiasis Spray Gel Bamboo Shoot) is a biolarvicide to treat myiasis infection which is made from 100% natural ingredients, namely apus bamboo shoots extract. The choice of spray gel is to make it easier to apply and prevent contamination from the source of the lesion.

Myiasis itself is an infection caused by the investment of green fly (Chrysomya Bezziana) larvae in skin lesions that can aggravate the wound condition. Cases of myiasis usually exist in livestock, such as cows, goats, pigs, etc. However, it is possible that myiasis will infect humans.

For the treatment so far still rely on antibiotics and chemical compounds. However, this has side effects such as increasing resistance, causing cancer, poisoning, and residues in meat and dairy. Therefore, a solution is needed in the treatment of myiasis from natural ingredients to prevent side effects but still be effective in the treatment of myiasis.

The apus bamboo shoots extract was chosen based on several reasons. It is easy to find in Indonesia, it is still little used because it has a distinctive odor and a slightly bitter taste, and contains phenol, tannin, alkaloids, and HCN which are useful in treating wounds and killing larvae so that they can be used to treat wounds, particularly in the treatment of myiasis.

Prior to participating in the 2022 WYIE competition, the MISSER Team had conducted extensive research to obtain data results and their development and continue to consult with supervisors.

“In addition, because the assessment system is conducted through presentations, we need to prepare special materials to be presented in a short, concise, but sufficient way to provide complete information regarding the ideas we raise. We also need to be prepared, starting from mentality to understanding the material and other things that will be conveyed during the competition, we must prepare it carefull,.” said Nurul Azizah Dian Rahmawati in charge of the research and development MISSER Team.

The MISSER Team itself consists of 7 medical students from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Undip accompanied by 1 supervisor, dr. Muflihatul Muniroh, M.Si.Med., Ph.D. The members include Aqsa Aufa Syauqi Sadana (Medicine 2021) as team leader, Lugas Firdinan Hamdi (Medicine 2021) and Febryan Fadhil Kresnantio (Medicine 2021) as production and operational team, Yumni Rahadatul Aisyi (Medicine 2021) as branding and marketing team, Arkhan Meidy Hernawan (Medicine 2021) as business development team, Nurul Azizah Dian Rahmawati (Medicine 2020) and Sineba Nafti Rizkite Barly (Medicine 2021) as research and development team.

This achievement cannot be separated from the hard work and collaboration of all team members and supervisor. “We are grateful to have achieved satisfactory results in this competition event. Moreover, this is a prestigious science competition which is held every year. We feel proud because we carry the name Undip (beloved alma mater) and of course Indonesia. Of course, our gratitude goes to our amazing supervisor, dr. Muflihatul Muniroh, M.Si.Med., Ph.D and all parties who have helped us. You can see our excitement through the MISSER Team Instagram account, namely,” said Nurul.

Previously, the results of this innovation also won the Gold Medal as the highest award based on the results of the jury’s assessment at the 2022 Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) held on March 21-25, 2022 and the 2022 Archimedes Moscow Russia event on March 29-31, 2022.

Currently, the MISSER Team is developing the MISSER (Myiasis Spray Gel Bamboo Shoot) research conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University. “This achievement is a form of trust to us and our MISSER Team will continue to do our best and make developments through innovation. We ask for your prayers and support so that the development of our research can be completed soon and we can develop it into a patent product and be ready to be commercialized,” Nurul explained.

“For fellow students, let’s strive together to make achievements in order to achieve the best version of the self-fulfilling self. Stay optimistic and never give up to achieve success in the academic and non-academic fields. Take advantage of all existing facilities for self development. Let’s make a determination from me, us, and you to develop into useful and proud individuals for ourselves, family, alma mater, homeland and nation. UNDIP JAYA!”, said Nurul