Faculty of Medical 61st Anniversary Committee chaired by dr. Farmaditya Eka Putra, M.Si.Med., Ph.D. realizing concern for education to improve the knowledge and achievements of Undip Medical Faculty students, collaborating with the Medical Study Program Faculty of Medical Diponegoro University by conducting a Guest Lecture on the Emergency Medical and Disaster Medicine Module. The activity was held on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 entitled “Update of the Emergency Room System, Triage and Animal Bite” with resource persons from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. dr. Tri Maharani, M.Si, Sp.EM. who is also a WHO expert on snakebites.

The activity which was carried out offline was attended by Faculty of Medical students in the Theatrical Room, which was opened by dr. Muflihatul Muniroh, M.Si.Med, Ph.D. as Head of the Medical Study Program. The resource persons shared their knowledge and experience regarding the importance of knowledge while on duty as a doctor on duty at the Emergency Room, applying triage especially in the event of a disaster, and being able to manage patients with animal bites.

The incidence of snakebites is increasing and if not treated properly, the patient will get worse. Guidelines for handling snakebites have also been prepared by WHO, in which the resource persons are the drafting team. Module Coordinator dr. Edmond Rukmana Wikanta, M.Si.Med., Sp.B(K)Onk., FINACS., FICS. expressed the hope of this activity so that Faculty of Medical students would be more prepared when they later served in the ER, carry out triage, and correct handling of animal bites, especially snake bites.

One of the students, Naufal Bagus, said that the guest lecture material was very interesting and useful, very applicable, especially in Indonesia, which has many types of venomous snakes. The explanation of the speakers is very easy to understand and can be a provision.