The Association of Indonesian Pediatric Surgeons (PERBANI) Korwil DIY-Central Java has held the XXIX Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) on June 25, 2022 to July 02, 2022 at the Patra Hotel & Convention Semarang. The XXIX PIT PERBANI raised the theme “Post Pandemic Era: Pediatric Surgery – Challenges and Future Directions” and has several activities including workshops, symposiums, organizational meetings, family tours, gala dinners, and the inauguration of new pediatric surgeons.

The XXIX PIT PERBANI symposium (30/06) was attended by the Governor of Central Java Province represented by the Head of the Central Java Provincial Health Office, Chair of the Honorary Council of Medical Ethics, the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (MKEK PB IDI), Head of Regional IDI Central Java, Chairman of the PERBANI Central Management, Head of the PERBANI Collegium, Director of the Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) represented by the General and Operational Director of RSND, Head of the Surgery Department of Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University (FK Undip), and the participants of the XXIX PIT PERBANI symposium.

In his report, the Chairperson of the XXIX PIT PERBANI Committee, dr. Edwin Basyar, M.Kes, Sp.B., Sp.BA(K)., explained that the XXIX PIT PERBANI is a forum for pediatric surgeons in determining the future of the organization to face various organizational challenges in the JKN era, distribution services, and education of Indonesian pediatric surgeons, as well as the management of Covid-19 pandemic.

“At this PIT, it was held to establish friendship, get the latest information on the latest developments in pediatric surgery services, gain experience of experts, techniques and technological developments in the field of pediatric surgery to produce the same perception in handling Pediatric Surgery cases. We also hold product exhibitions of state-of-the-art pharmaceuticals and medical equipment to support the treatment of pediatric surgery cases.” conveyed dr. Edwin Basyar, M.Kes, Sp.B., Sp.BA(K)., at the XXIX PIT PERBANI symposium (30/06).

“The XXIX PIT PERBANI activity has been held since June 25, 2022. We started with the Basic Surgical Skills workshop with 103 participants. On the same day we also held a Perioperative Pediatric Surgery workshop with 30 participants. On Sunday (26/06), we held a collaboration webinar between PERBANI Central Java and PGHNAI Central Java. Then on Tuesday (28/06) we held a Basic Endoscopy Course workshop with 20 participants, followed by a Laparoscopy Course workshop on Wednesday (29/06) with 19 participants.” said dr. Edwin Basyar, M.Kes, Sp.B., Sp.BA(K)., who also serves as Undip Medical Faculty lecturer and Head of the Medical Staff Group of Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND) .

The implementation of the XXIX PIT PERBANI symposium this time was recorded with the most registered participants with a total of 249 people. In addition, the XXIX PIT PERBANI is the result of the collaboration of several professional organizations, including the Indonesian Collegium of Pediatric Surgery (KIBI) and the Indonesian Association of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Child Nutrition (PGHNAI) Central Java. “I am really proud of the 249 registered participants of the symposium. I think this is the history in PERBANI with the most participants. In addition, in holding this PIT activity in Semarang, we collaborate with several professional organizations both within the IDI environment and outside the IDI environment.” he explained.

The event was then opened by the Governor of Central Java Province, represented by the Head of the Central Java Provincial Health Office, Yunita Dyah Suminar, SKM, M.Sc, M.Si. In her speech, Dyah Suminar explained that the infant and child mortality rate has become a top priority in Indonesia and the doctors association is ready to work together to overcome it. “Thank you for all the roles you have played in helping to suppress infant and child deaths. Infant and child mortality is a priority case in Indonesia as well as in Central Java.” she said.

In addition, she added that doctors must convey information clearly to patients. “There are some of us who do not provide clear information to patients. This is certainly our task and responsibility. Maybe the hospital has good standards from the medical profession, but when the doctor explains to the patient then the patient does not understand the explanation there will be complaints. So our message is that the dignity of this profession must be maintained, one of the efforts is by clearly informing the patient so that the patient understands it fully. When the patient is signing the informed consent means that the information has been given clearly.” said Dyah Suminar.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Central Executive Board of PERBANI, Dr. dr. Yusirwan Yusuf, Sp.B., Sp.BA(K)., MARS., said that 10 to 15 percent of infant and child mortality is caused by untreated pediatric surgical abnormalities. However, until now the number of pediatricians in Indonesia is still far from the ideal requirement. “The pediatric surgeon still urgently needed at least 800 more people by world standards and in Indonesia there are only 163 people.” he said.

dr. Yusirwan Yusuf, Sp.B., Sp.BA(K) added that the education centers of pediatric surgeons which only exist in Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya will not be enough to produce pediatric surgeons. Under these conditions, the number of pediatric surgeons is not sufficient for hospitals at the district and city levels.

“That’s why pediatric surgeons are urgently needed and we must be able to convince the Central Government that the contribution of pediatric surgery in reducing infant and child mortality rates is very significant.” he explained.

In the XXIX PIT PERBANI this time also discussed how pediatric surgery services can be carried out comprehensively. According to dr. Yusirwan Yusuf, Sp.B., Sp.BA(K)., participants at PIT PERBANI in previous years were not only general surgeons and pediatric surgeons, but also general practitioners and nurses.

“Pediatric surgery is not only carried out by a pediatric surgeon and the postoperative care takes a long time. For this reason, in order to make this service comprehensive, previously in the 80s in Padang the participants were not only general surgeons, but also general practitioners and nurses, so that services for pediatric surgery starting from the procedure to post-surgery could take place well. ” he explained